
Tuesday, 20 August 2013

V Festival 2013: Queen B, The Script, Jessie J and more!

It's that time of year again. That time when you dust off your wellies from their summer hibernation, grab your camping kit, adorn yourself in floral headbands and dig out copious amounts of hand sanitizer. Festival time!

Lu and I are lucky enough to live relatively close to V Festival and so decided to have a day of sister bonding while listening to track after track of popular music. Therefore on Saturday morning we rose early and headed off for a day of exactly this.

The weather forecast (typically) predicted heavy rain and so we left with a bag packed full of festival wet day essentials- bin bags with arm and head holes and extra socks... Oh, and wellingtons of course! Armed, we excitedly drove to Chelmsford, animatedly discussing exactly what we wanted to see that day.

Bin bags at the ready!

After an initial quick mooch around the festival grounds, we started our day in the Glee Tent. I have to say this was a first for me- I've never watched live comedy at a festival before and have, quite frankly, never felt the need to. With the risk of sounding miserable, I find it rare that a comedians can make me laugh at most of their jokes. There are some exceptions of course, but these tend to be few and far between. However, my sister and I found Eddy Brimson and Katherine Ryan absolutely hilarious! We ended up spending a good hour or so giggling along with the crowd before moving on.

On our way to the next stage we had a quick bop in the 'Our House' warehouse party before bumping into some friends and stopping for a quick chat. One of the main things I love about festivals is the social aspect. People are always so friendly to each other, whether they are strangers or old acquaintances. Not only that but somewhere in the crowd there will be someone you know!

After our chance meeting, we headed off to the main stage to start the process of claiming our spot for Beyoncé! From here we listened to Two Door Cinema Club, Jessie J, The Script before finally, B!

But before the Queen takes the stage, a quick word on some of the other artists.

Jessie J gets better every time I'm fortunate enough to see her (and I've 'accidentally' seen her three times now!). She has such a powerful voice and a friendly stage manner which combined with her well known songs, really draws you into her performance. She was one of my favourite performers of the day and I'd really recommend seeing her if you ever get the chance!

The Script doesn't really play my sister's and my type of music. Initially we started nodding off during their first few songs, but tuned back in when they started interacting with the audience. During a rendition of their song 'Nothing,'  Danny O'Donoghue took a fan's phone and sang the song to the fan's ex boyfriend! Later, much to security's despair (and his bravery- the front row girls wanted to eat him alive!) he decided to jump over the barrier and sing in the crowd- a reckless feat for any artist. Essentially in the end, they became unexpectedly entertaining.

But Beyoncé was in a league of her own. She dazzled with her passionate voice, invigorating dancing and spectacular costumes. Her performance was a mixture of new and old songs, with all the firm favourites making an appearance and causing the entire crowd to dance along. Her set was broken up by etherial video clips which really set the mood for her entire performance. She was, simply put, amazing and the entire crowd adored her. What was also incredible however was her stage manner- she seemed genuinely please to be there and humbled by the adoration she was receiving. A true queen in the making?

After the last act, Lu and I dragged our aching feet back to the car while singing all the way.

My sister and I had a wonderful time at V. Not only did we get to see some great artists, we got to soak in a spectacularly alive atmosphere (even if the day was a little damp!). I would highly recommend V for future years and getting yourself to any kind of festival before summer is officially over.

Go on then, what are you waiting for?

P.S- apologies for the poor photo quality but our camera doesn't fare too well in the festival environment!

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