After one of our lectures today, Jocelyn and I raced back to the SU to get in line for some food. We'd been drawn in earlier by the smell of gently sizzling meat and it had all we'd been able to think about for the past hour! Finally, we got to the front of the queue and were eagerly awaiting our food. I went for a hot dog with locally sourced sausages (loaded with onions of course) and Jossi went for a beef burger. Before long we were happily tucking in.
We hope there weren't really 'penguin pies'!
Having a farmers' market (or any market for that matter) on campus is such a great idea as it gives you access to lovely, fresh food of a good quality. For general student shopping it may be a bit on the pricey side, but at my uni there's always a queue for the BBQ-ing food and plenty of interest in the other stands. The only problem is our union seems to rarely hold such an event. Now, where I go to uni, the local market (which is huge!) is right in the middle of town, but student housing tends to be much further away (sometimes up to a 40min bus drive!). This unfortunately makes shopping at the market not all that practical when you're faced with a long journey home. This surely opens up a lot of potential for having more regular stalls on campus where there are a few thousand hungry students desperate to get some food and save themselves the walk? The stall holders definitely seemed up for it, so maybe it's just a matter of convincing the SU?
Anyway, how does it work where you guys are? Do any of you have regular market stalls at university/work/school? Would you use them if you did? Please tell me about your experiences where you are so I can use them to try and proposition my own uni!