Just a little post to say in case you haven't noticed, Halloween is nearly upon us! It's that time of year again where you can dig out your scary costumes, eat all the sweeties you want and tell ghostly stories by torch light.
When I was little, every year without fail my sister and I would make bin bag witches' dresses (helped by our Mummy of course!). These would inevitably be one black bag with arms and a head hole cut, tied at the waist with another black bag fashioned into a belt. Then we'd get the stapler and cover our dresses in paper stars and other such witchy things. We'd carve pumpkins too and Mum would sometimes make pumpkin soup from the slimy insides (Lu and I never dared try it!).
As we got older, our bin bag dresses got left behind, but I haven't forgotten how to carve a pumpkin. Therefore my housemate and I got creative and carved these two little beauties. (This is perhaps the most adventurous carving I have ever done- in case you can't quite guess, one is a cat and the other is the Boogie Man...)
Happy Halloween everyone!
At the weekend, I popped off to a little Halloween party. I thought you might all like to see my make up- I went as a Day of the Dead skull! The Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday where people take the time to remember the deceased. It's also coincidentally celebrated around the same time as Halloween!