
Thursday, 11 September 2014

The Travel Diaries: Arriving in Hong Kong

Leaving England on the 6th August was a slightly daunting affair. I had never flown completely on my own before and my thirteen hour flight (with a transfer!) yawned ahead of me into all of the foreseeable future. Flying is not one of my favourite activities and so I can't quite say that I was jumping with excitement at the airport, despite the promise of arriving in a new and exciting city in just a short day's time.

However, I was lucky. Really lucky. As I boarded my plane for the second (and longest) leg of my journey, I discovered I had been upgraded! Thank you Finnair! I had my own little pod to myself, with a seat which transformed into a bed at the touch of a button. Flying instantly became much more comfortable as I snuggled down under the duvet, switched on a movie and tucked in to my snack-stash. Before long (or was it hours and hours later? I don't know, I was happily napping!) we touched down in Hong Kong!

I was met at the airport by the wonderful Jossi who whisked me straight off to her home. There, we dumped my bags and had a quick cup of tea, before jumping onto my first ride on the Peak Tram and heading down into the hustle and bustle of the city for dinner with her family!

Rather excitingly, Jossi's dad had organised dinner in a private room at the top of his offices! Here, I got my first taste of traditional Chinese food, including little slices of jellyfish, which was something I didn't even know you could eat! I have to admit, the jellyfish wasn't my favourite, but the rest of the food was delicious. Eventually I managed to clear my plate after muddling through with my limited chopstick skills and so we headed home. As I looked out over our stunning home view, I was grinning from ear to ear- my first evening had been great and I couldn't wait to see what else Hong Kong had to offer!

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