Jessie and I met on Sunday evening at the foot of the National Gallery (also free to enter...) and, clutching our picnic, headed into the square. There, overlooked by Nelson on his column, we settled down on a picnic blanket and tucked into our food while we waited for the music to start.
Well, us being us, we managed to demolish all of our food before even the first note was played (I mean, who can say no to strawberries and chocolate?!) and so it was with happy tummies that we settled back and let the music wash over us.
The music (all Shostakovich) was magnificent and I felt very content sitting there in the dying light as the notes swelled around us - the historical setting only made the experience all the more magnificent!
Eventually, to roaring approval from the crowd, the musicians put their instruments down. It'd been a thoroughly enjoyable evening and a beautiful way to end the weekend.