Firstly, happy new year! I hope you all had wonderful times over the Christmas period and said farewell to 2017 with a bang!
Now that January has well and truly started in the only way it knows how (queue drizzle, wind and general murkiness) I found myself thinking about the concept of new year's resolutions and whether or not it was particularly worth creating any. Throughout January, the phrase 'New Year, New Me!' gets tossed around more than avocados in a salad bar, but it had me wondering 'was there really that much wrong with the old me?!'. Well, the answer I've come to is 'no. Not really.'
I mean, there are definitely things I could improve on (do more exercise, cook more, sort out my flat, donate to charity, get promoted, meet more people, make more of an effort with existing friends etc...), but on reflection I realised these were things I should think about everyday. The arbitrary marker of time slipping from one round dozen months into another shouldn't be the only thing that kick starts me into action.
So, bin the over-inflated #goals and the resolution-breaking guilt - here's to doing our best every day.
(...I may have just booked my first ever spin class, but hey, I could have chosen to do that ANY month of the year...)