Anyway, this is something the pair of us rustled up at the weekend- enjoy!
What do you need?
a couple of chicken breasts
some red thai curry sauce (red thai curry paste and some coconut milk should do the same job)
peppers (I used about 3/4 of a yellow one in the end)
red onion
a tin of pineapple
a handful of cashew nuts
a large chili
a pinch of salt and pepper
As you may have seen already, my quantities of ingredients are rarely exact- I tend to taste as I go along and add more as and when I think the dish needs it, Just remember that when you cook veg, it shrivels and reduces so you always end up with less than what you started with!
Start by putting a large pan on the hob and heating up a splash of oil. Finely chopping your garlic and toss it in the pan so it sizzles, then add your chicken, chopped into small pieces . Chop all your other veg and toss it in with the chicken along with the salt and pepper.
I just love how colourful this dish is!
When the chicken is cooked through, pour in your pineapple chunks and the cashews. Turn the heat down low- you don't want to simmer away all that lovely pineapple juice!
While the chicken and veg is cooking on a low heat, start cooking your rice in a separate saucepan. When this is done, pop it in the pan with your chicken and veg. Add a couple of spoonfuls of the red thai curry sauce. Stir through and you're done!
This dish is an explosion of taste and we quickly polished off half the pan before it'd even cooled, although do be careful as the chili makes it pretty hot- we were chasing each mouthful down with a glass of water!
Jossi sneakily tucking in already!