Nigella does a fabulous range of express recipes which all look totally delicious and from my experience so far, really are quick and easy.
We chose to make this truly scrummy caramel croissant pudding - it literally took us about 10mins plus cooking time. We (being the poor impoverish students we are), skimped a little and just used 250ml of milk instead of 125ml of milk and 125ml of cream. For the same reason, we also missed out the bourbon, but it still tasted amazing!
Be careful when you're caramlising the sugar- I have to admit Joss and I burnt it the first time. The sugar retains a lot of heat, so as soon as it reaches the temperature where it starts to burn, you can whip it off the hob as fast as you like, but the damage is done- the sugar will carry on cooking. We found we had to watch the pan like hawks and the moment we saw the tiniest bit turn brown, we turned the heat right down. Then, when about 2/3 of it had caramalised, we turned the heat off completely and the sugar finished its self off.
This is where we burnt it first time- obviously not paying attention!
Being a bit more careful second time around...
Custard time
I'd definitely have to agree with Nigella when she says this is a meal in its self, but that didn't stop Jossi and I polishing off the entire dish!