
Thursday, 22 June 2017

Bite Me Burger Co. Launch Party!

My lovely bestie Joss (who you may remember from 'The Travel Diaries') recently landed in the UK to come and stay with me in London for a month! (YAY!) Luckily for us, on Monday I was invited to the opening party for the Bite Me Burger Co. so we both went along to see what this new pop up was all about.

The Bite Me Burger Co. is hidden away within an existing restaurant in Holborn and the pop up is introducing us to an entire new burger concept - burgers by the dozen!

Yes you heard that right, dozen!

Essentially, there's a diddy menu with a surprising range of burger types in it (including duck, lamb and a bloody Mary burger!) and a whole bunch of milkshakes. These burgers all come in 'slider' size - i.e. small enough that it's socially acceptable to consume more than one...

You pick up to twelve burgers which are then packaged in cute little boxes.

Anyway, since it was the launch party, the burgers and milkshake shots were free flowing and Jossi and I did the only sensible thing - grabbed a box, filled it up to bursting point and found a corner to devour our plunder!

My favourite thing about Bite Me has to be the range of choice of interesting flavours. For starters, there are five choices of different beef burger, plus a chicken one (served with an yuzu mayo which was delicious) and the aforementioned duck and lamb. The duck is served with truffled mayo and hoisin, where as the lamb is served with mint and cumin!)  Additionally, there's a veggie option where you can have any of the fillings, just replacing the meat with aubergine (for once the veggies aren't left out!).

The milkshakes also cannot be forgotten. Weirdly, two flavours which I really didn't think I'd rate turned out to be my favourite - the peanut butter and the coconut shakes!

Essentially we were two very happy girlies in the corner, stuffing our faces with tasty tasty food! (For one person, really two or three should be enough, but hey, six down and we were still going!) I really enjoyed the opening party and I have to say, I feel the restaurant will do very well - who doesn't want a selection of burgers to go? Maybe then I shouldn't have been surprised when I heard whispers of a more permanent venue soon to be popping up - keep your eyes peeled!

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